Olde Salem Township
Country Living. City Convenience.

Fiser Development doesn't just build homes and communities. We create neighborhoods. Olde Salem Township harkens back (or forward) to a time when neighbors felt a sense of community, not anonymity. It’s how neighborhoods used to be. A safe and welcoming place for kids to play and neighbors to congregate. This is a place of enduring quality and character. Watch a tour of Olde Salem Township, a pocket neighborhood of right-sized homes in the peaceful countryside of Saline County, Arkansas, close to Bryant and Benton.
There is a Better Way to Live: The Front Porch Lifestyle.
We designed Olde Salem Township so that neighbors are encouraged to interact. Our homes will surround common, park-like areas. Rather than sit in the back yard, inside a fenced-in compound, families can relax on their porches. Instead of a fence, they can see children playing and 100-year-old Oak trees. There are sidewalks around the private neighborhood parks for jogging and walking dogs. All these things encourage an atmosphere that is safe and welcoming.
This is a place for living. A place for life.
Olde Salem Township is designed to be a welcoming place for families and friends.
In many neighborhoods, young children play in the backyard, which is often set against another back yard. When you add fences, the yards become little stockades, discouraging interaction with neighbors. Not true in Olde Salem Township, near Benton and Bryant, Arkansas. This home community of Saline County encourages homeowners to be neighbors; neighbors to be friends; families and children to call it home.
A Neighborly Community Center and Swimming Pool.
In addition to the 3 acres of parks, Olde Salem Township features a commons area clubhouse with a pavilion and swimming pool. A gathering place for neighborhood events and for kids to enjoy a splash of relief on hot summer days

A Great Neighborhood Deserves Better Built Homes.
Our goal in Olde Salem Township is to build 100-year homes. The quality of materials and construction methods are equal to or better than those found on larger, custom-built homes. These aren’t extra cost options – they are standard to all the homes we build. The result is that our homes are more energy efficient, comfortable and functional.